Monday, March 27, 2017

25. Pre-selling Space!

It's nearly 10 months of inactivity here,but surely not spent in ennui!

The finance model revisited and the enthusiasm re-doubled to see this site become a success, so let's start off from where we left....

The finance model clearly shows that transporting 'goods' is much better for viability than transporting people, but is there a midway or hybrid even in an all passenger train ?

See a previous post -

Well, here's how-
Pre-sell, or Auction, two coaches (I have mistakenly called them 'rakes' in the past, but the smart will make the correction on their own) - say one as a 'resturant' and one as a 'Crossword' style books-cum-accessories store !

Of course the base rates for the auction would range between revenue receivable ranging from the total of the Annual ticket sale proceeds of a coach or  would match the annual freight rates for booking a wagon on the higher side!